Friday, November 7, 2008


hello all viewing in here
well the events for this quarter have been planned and hopefully the success of the events i cant say because it is you people who can make it a success.Hence for people who are looking into this blog for information i am trying to put the information of the events so that everyone can participate anytime

12th november---------------------------------------Case Analysis(part-1)
(WEDNESDAY) (in teams of two)

13th November--------------------------- Business Quiz(part-1)
(Thursday) (in team of two)(50% 4m news)

14th November----------------------------------Case analysis presentation
(Friday) (short listed from case part-1)

17th November-------------Aptitude (30min) Collage(40min)
(Monday) (young manager) (in team of not more than two)

18th November-------------------------------------Admaking
(Tuesday) (shortlisted from collage)

19th November-----------------------------------Business Quiz-2
(Wednesday) (short listed from quiz-1)

20th November-------------------------------------B-plan presentations
(Thursday) (team of two)

21st November-----------------------------Group Discussion&Interview
(Friday) (young manager)

For abhiyan
you can write to us at---->

Monday, November 3, 2008


Presentations on HR fuctions,employee downsizing 04-11-08 ONE HR

HR Quiz 29-10-08 ONE HR

Psychometric test,HR Games 23-10-08 ONE HR