Saturday, August 21, 2010

23Aug,2010 to 27Aug,2010 Schedule

Date Event Conducted By

23-08-2010 Workshop on GroupDynamics by Murali Chandra Pamujula

24-08-2010 Group Discussion by Soujanya Kommu

25-08-2010 Business Quiz by Prof.P.R.C Gopal

26-08-2010 Presentation on RBI and its functions by Shashanka.P and Anusha.C

27-08-2010 Business Plan Introduction by Deeraz Srungaram

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

On 11th august 2010

Formally,today is the opening day of ABHIYAN CLUB for the year 2010-11.It has began with an election for the Abhiyan's core committee.It included Secretary, Joint-Secretary and an executive team of 5 members.An introduction of all the members and their ideas to contribute for Abhiyan is stated.Also,an introductory speech with some valuable suggestions is delivered by Prof.Dr.P.Ramlal,the staff advisor of Abhiyan club.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

On 10th august 2010

Today, the first session of HR CLUB was started with an inspiring and successful management story of Mr.HONDA,the founder of HONDA CORPORATION.Several hardships and trivial set-backs in life faced by Mr.Honda to reach his goal was stressed.The story has left all the students with a strong motivating message: ACCEPT REALITY, ACCUSTOM TO THE CHANGES, CREATE OPPORTUNITIES AND MAKE WONDERS.

Friday, August 6, 2010

On 5th August 2010

As a part of he daily activity, business news was read followed by "B-QUIZ". It mainly emphasizes on logo identification. Freshers were given priority for identifying the logos. Later a story on PERCEPTION was told where everyone participated and posed their opinions.The main motto of the activity was to showcase how perception changes from time to time and person to person. Also, it has delivered a message saying- "NOT TO MAKE FALSE PERCEPTIONS WITHOUT COMPLETELY KNOWING THE SITUATION"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

On 4th August 2010

As usual the curtain raiser went on with news reading. Later biography of late P A SAMUELSON a legendary economist in the history of United States was recited. It was followed by the narration of real time experiences with P A SAMUELSON by SUBRAHMANYA SWAMI,chairman of JANATAPARTY.