Saturday, August 21, 2010

23Aug,2010 to 27Aug,2010 Schedule

Date Event Conducted By

23-08-2010 Workshop on GroupDynamics by Murali Chandra Pamujula

24-08-2010 Group Discussion by Soujanya Kommu

25-08-2010 Business Quiz by Prof.P.R.C Gopal

26-08-2010 Presentation on RBI and its functions by Shashanka.P and Anusha.C

27-08-2010 Business Plan Introduction by Deeraz Srungaram


shyam prasad said...

the bplan conducted by dhiraz was nice..expaining abt yhe 9 principles of a BPLAN..

shyam prasad said...

thaks to gopal sir...for conducting the B QUIZ..and iam happy that i was the member of the winning team..thanks to my other teammates vamshi,harshita and spandana

shyam prasad said...

the SWOT analysis a tech used for analyzing the market structure was good..but it would have been better if it was an inyeractive session with seniors having marketing as major

shyam prasad said...

the session on group dynamics would have been much better if there was larger no of participants..

rahul said...

good to see comments well done shyam nice job and pls keep posting your valuable inputs in here