Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Thought of the Day

O wise man! Give your wealth only to the worthy and never to others. The water of the sea received by the clouds is always sweet. -Chanakya

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wellll, I personally like Chanakya(except few things where he has spoken against the women)........any ways,I want to say something about this quote,even when there were the good old days when in Ashrams the Guru's would identify the worthy student(may not be the best by rank)and give him more time to impart his personal and full knowledge and wisdom.This they did so,because they wanted one among many who caould carry forward the leagacy and leraning of their Guru and transfer it in future in more responsible hands.See,the same thing happens in business as well.When the CEO of a company is about to retire (for eg.TATA...he chose to select some one who is not his family memeber but he just explored more and is to chose someone more worthy).No matter what area it deals in,life ,education,business always give your treasure(can be materialistic or immaterialistic) always in honest and responsible hands and open your eyes and ears to identify that person...till the end....thanks for reading my ideas.