Saturday, March 12, 2011

Extempore...Challenging Forethoughts..

Thought Of The Day:

“Be moderate in order to taste the joys of life in abundance.”
- Epicurus

Ex tempore (Latin for "out of the moment“) has two meanings:
i) "Extempore" or "ex tempore" refers to a stage or theater performance that is carried out without preparation or forethought. Most often the term is used in the context of speech, singing and stage acting.Synonyms are "impromptu", "extemporaneous", or "improvised".

ii) "Ex tempore" is a legal term that means 'at the time'. A judge who hands down a decision in a case soon or straight after hearing it is delivering a decision ex tempore. An ex tempore judgment, being off the cuff, does not entail the same preparation as a reserved decision. Consequently, it will not be thought out to the same degree.

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