Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mr.N.Raghu Ram ,alumnus from 2008-10 batch have donated six books for book club@abhiyan club.The list of the books are :

The Rise of India :Its transformation from poverty to prosperity - Niranjan Rajadhyaksha
Discount Business strategy - Micheal Moesgaard Andersen,Felmming Poulfelt
Men of steel - Vir Sanghvi
Fault Lines - Raghuram Rajan
Watch your figures - M K rustomiji
Dhirubhaism - Krishnamurthy Ag
Fortune at the bottom of pyramid - C K Prahalad

Abhiyan club thanks him for his kind & valuable contribution.

Thank you sir.


shipra said...

Thanks a lot Raghu Sir and Team Abhiyan,its really good to know and see this steady change...........These books are precious and are the greatest asset of the department because Knowledge breeds Knowledge :)

rahul said...

thanks a lot raghu. Your valuable contribution of seven good books will be an asset to the book club at Abhiyan .You must be happy to know that soon we are making it 100 books. We expect such valuable contributions from the people who tasted the blend of abhiyan and book club earlier. Because they understand its importance.Its nice to hear thanks from the team and students of MBA.